Ohio Stone Inc.

Since our inception in 1996 our goal at Ohio Stone Inc., has been to provide the best quality stone products and unmatched service in the industry. We have succeeded in providing stone quality that is second to none and providing service that is the best in the industry. We have continued to add new stones to our product line, so our distributors can continue to offer new and fresh products to their customers. Please take your time to browse the site and feel free to contact us about becoming an Ohio Stone Inc. distributor or for information about finding a distributor near you.

Natural Stone Products

Quarried sorted, sized, palletized, or bulk shipped to Ohio Stone Distributors throughout the country.

Cut/Split Products

Certain stone families contain products that lend themselves to being cut or split into more precise materials for use in both architectural and landscaping products. These stone families include Canyon Gray, Indiana Limestone, Rustic Buff, and Southern Buff.